Saturday, September 27, 2014

Veterans' Day

They are the small and skronny, they are the large and stacked. They are the paper pushers and the grenade throwers. They are the killer SEALs and the safety bureaucrats. They are the dock loaders and the muzzle loaders. They are the fighter pilots, and the desk pilots. They are young, middle-aged and old.

But we owe our Freedom to ALL of them. Not one of them ever fought for right without the other making it so.

We are the grateful, and the ungrateful. Which are you this week? Thank a Vet. Thank two Vets. Look `em in the eye, shake their hand. Teach your kids to do it, too- do it right in front of them.

Don't just say it. Make it a Good Veterans Day for the Vets.

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