Saturday, September 27, 2014

Shhh- It's the Silent Eagle

So. While no one's making an official announcement yet, it appears that Seoul has chosen Boeing's F-15SE as their next gen fighter. This would be good in many ways. It's an improved version of their current, fresh-off-the-line F-15Ks, but with some fairly radicalized stealthing up. It's lighter, still carries an 8 missile or comparable A-G warload. South Korea already has most of the production and maintenance facilities in place, which would need minimal adjustment for the slightly different jet. I think it's a good choice for them, and I'm surprised Japan didn't shooze it as well. Maybe after S. Korea makes the official announcement, Japan will take a step back and reconsider it over the LM F-35.

And if that happens, then maybe the USAF brass will turn and say, "You know, the F-15SE really is a better bird and for the money, too." I know the pilots and airmen feel that way. Look what China and Russia are doing- they're modernizing/upgrading their classic Sukhoi designs, and adding supplementary fleets of stealth fighters. It makes perfect sense!

I hope that South Korea does officially select the F-15SE, and that it has a reverse-cascade effect on national defense purchases across the World. Does everyone really need the $170+ million per copy F-35? We do, but not in such big numbers. F-15SEs and, if Lockheed Martin kicks and screams enough, we could jet get a bunch of F-16Es as well. The Super Falcon as I call it is still a pretty awesome jet, and almost as good as the F-15SE.

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