The more and more I read about the F-35, the more I htink it's going to be a big, big hit. Here are my reasons why:
1- Its techno-promises are incredible. Even if it only
achieves 70-80% of them, it will still be amazing. No, not its stealth,
I've discounted that for 40- 60% of scenarios 20+ years from now.
Great idea whose time has come and is now going. But its electronics
will be incredible- smart jamming EW systems, LPI detecting, RADAR
range, data collection, that smart IR system that covers the pilot's
view in all directions, built-in heat-seeking missile launch detection,
even. That's going to make this one very, very smart and capable
aircraft. What did Baron Von Richtofen say? 90% of his victims never saw
him? Ain't no sneaking up on this bird- making it more survivable than anything before.
2- Its speed/thrust is amazing. In an Aircraft
International story on the JSF the pilot jokes about how, with full
military power/dry thrust, his F-35A will quickly pull away from the
chase F-16. The Viper pilot needs to go 1-2 stage AB to keep up. No
matter how you cook, that's some impressive gas.
Some criticize its big horizontal tails and broad flat
belly, but I see extra lift generators. Combined with its
speed/thrust- it will be a great dogfighter. Not a good one- a GREAT
one. I think they (Lockheed Martin) already know this but aren't talking
about it yet as a political/sales/brinkmanship move.
3- Criticize it for its small payload? Say "SDB" 3
times fast. It can carry a boatload of Small Diameter Bombs in its
belly, and the JAGM (Joint Air/Ground Missile- basically a Hellfire
missile rigged for carriage by fast movers) can be carried in multiples,
too. Can't hit big targets far, far away? So what. It's not a Strike
Eagle replacement. It's a Viper/ Hornet/ Harrier replacement.
4- And even if I'm wrong, and it's only on par (payload
and flight envelope-wise) with the threat aircraft. "Pilots don't make
the plane; Pilots make the plane... Better." American training,
espirit de corps and ingenuity will make this the best fighter. On
paper, the MiG-29 is a better plane than the F-15. Yet no F-15s have
fallen to Fulcrums.
5- Every famous jet has had a rough start off the
blocks. So has this jet. But deployed, it will kick doors down and put
large, careful placed holes in the ground where the enemy once was. The
F-16 was initially designed to carry a couple small gas tanks and 4
missiles, and was known for flying its pilots into the ground. It's now
carrying almost its weight in ordnance, and is the bomb workhorse for
the USAF, as well as being one of the most feared close-in dogfighters
in the World. The F-35 will eventually have the same history.
So, I maintain we need this jet. Thousands of them?
No. But as a special first-week-of-war tool, yes. Take out S-200 SAMs
and the like. Deep penetration against special targets. That stuff.
Let the Silent Eagles do the rest. You know, the high
volume/ daylight raid/ risky stuff. Yeah- the F-15SE, the cheaper
alternative to the F-35/-22. Built on proven, reliable technology. For
cheaper. With longer range and greater payload. Escorted by F-22s. Or,
other F-15SEs. But I digress.
Yes, I am coming around to the F-35. It's going to be great.
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