Saturday, September 27, 2014

I Betcha- Black Programs and How I Bet There Are Squadrons of RAH-66s (or something better) Out There Somewhere

If you haven't seen the pics of the abandoned tail section of a stealthy tail rotor boom from a certain World famous raid in Pakistan, you've been hiding better than Bin Laden was. It was obviously a tail boom from a stealthy troop transport. That nobody knew about. I mean, ANYTHING about. And by ANYTHING I mean NOTHING. Where on earth did it come from?

Back in the 80's there was at least a dis-information campaign about the F-117 stealth fighter. Well, two actually, pre- and post- veil lifting on the mysterious jet. When it was finally seen, and used, everyone pretty much knew SOMETHING about it.
But this stealthy troop transport, was a complete surprise. Wow, it had been kept secret.

Now, I'm not a Republican (This is all I'll ever, ever say about this. Maybe), but I lean their way a little in foreign affairs that involve things going boom across other peoples' borders so things aren't going boom on the inside of MY borders. 

But I gotta hand it to the Democrats... I like the way they arm for and wage war. And here's why:

Democrats and Black Programs:

JFK- John F. Kennedy had this stroke of genius when he took previous small, sort-of funded black ops groups (SEALs, Delta Force, etc.) and just poured money onto them like a 3-year-old pours sugar on cereal. WHOOSH. The forces were expanded, trained and used like never before. But nobody knew any specifics, only years later. Powerful weapon developed and implemented, effectively and secretly.

Carter- I didn't like Carter from day one. Might've been my very Republican Dad ripping on him, but I'd wanted Ford in office (probably bacause I saw him at the F-15 christening back in the 70's). Then Carter cancelled the B-1A bomber. Had it cancelled. Whatever. There we were, middle of the Cold War and our bomber force was cancelled. Wasn't until later we realized why. He was pushing the F-117 and B-2 programs forward. But we didn't know that at the time, did we? Well done, democrat president.

Obama- and now we have Obama. Well, well, well. Did he push the stealth helo? I don't know. But he put a lot of effort into keeping the op and all its associated tech hush hush.

Now, Combat Aircraft Magazine reported lots of funding getting piped into programs as yet unnamed by any defense agency. But I'd bet anything there are squadrons of several different types of military aircraft hidden out there somewhere. Remember the RAH-66 Comanche? The fast, super-smart, stealthy attack/recon helo of the 90's? In the 2003 Iraq invasion, they saw that the Apaches weren't ever engaged by radar-directed weaponry. So they publicly announced that they weren't going to produce them since stealth didn't seem to apply to helos now, only low-tech bullets and RPGs.
And I fell for it- for a long time, too. Though in the back of my mind I had a hunch there was SOMEthing going on in the shadows.

Well, now I am basically convinced. And I think there are a couple seriously black ops squadrons of Stealth Hawks, Comanche and other mission-specialized flying hardware we haven't even heard of yet.

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